Sending so much love. I’ve had many of these same thoughts and issues pop up lately, usually also calmed by so dessert of choice and many tears. The urge to drink or use it away hasn’t been presented as clearly but my physical need for something that I can’t seem to satiate makes me think it’s my body and mind reaching for the ultimate release. A release that never is just that but a start to many awful consequences that may not go away this time. Adulthood is hard, this world is difficult right now, but just knowing you can make it through will give hopes of finding the beauty of it all soon enough. Thank you for your words 💜

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Thank you so much Kasey 🫶🏽 it can feel so overwhelming when the body and mind are screaming for release but that release will just be the start of something sinister. Thank you for your lovely words and for reading xx

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Enjoyed the piece. You’ve talent galore and problems aplenty. Alcohol will extinguish one and exacerbate the other. I walk and then write.

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Thank you 🫶🏽💙

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Such beautiful writing - so raw and vulnerable and I really loved reading this piece even as I felt moved for what you were/are going through. Sending love.

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Thank you so much Priya 🫶🏽💙

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Thank you so much for sharing, Tacita. As others have said, I relate a lot to that feeling of longing but being trapped in this adult world. And everything is so fucking expensive right now! I am sorry that everything is shit for you right now but I am happy you made it through those urges to relapse. Sending love to you. Take care. 🖤

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Thank you for your kind words Becky 🫶🏽 adulting is tough af. The world is a very weird place right now but hopefully things will look up for us 💙

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Thank you for sharing this Tacita- I relate so much to so much of the feelings and longings you describe here. And your writing is phenomenal in itself, the craft of it. So glad you were able to make it through these powerful urges xxx

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Thank you for reading Ellie 🫶🏽 you are too kind 💙 I wonder if the feeling of longing for something more or different ever leaves us x

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I’ve wondered that too myself…

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Sending love, Tacita. Hang in there. ❤️

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Thank you Dana 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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Such, beautiful raw sharing, Tacita. 🫶🏻

I get it. I have a figurative 9-5 too and whilst I make above market rate and have decent freelance on the side, I long to have a time when my life can feel freer and more creative. I don’t hate what I do but like you, I love spending my days writing.

Loved this because it’s relatable: “The problem however, is that I work a 9-5 because I need money. Your girl’s got to pay rent. I am not in a position where I can make money from what I create yet.”

You’ll find that many people started that way. Write your novel or your memoir or reach out for freelance gigs in your spare time. Don’t burn yourself out — and my therapist is all about the path of least resistance (maybe 30 mins per day is an okay amount for you for example) — but keep going and doing what you love and it will happen. 🥰😘🫶🏻 Sending love and well wishes.

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Thank you Elaine💙 having that freedom is literally the dream! And yeah, rents gotta be paid 😂

I’m going to continue working on my passion projects and hopefully I don’t burn out. Like you said, many people started out doing the same thing. 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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You’ll get there. 🫶🏻🤞🏻

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Also well done on staying sober! ❤️

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