I love this, Tacita. I have a practical day job but I’m very much a dreamer like you. I submit a piece of writing to a competition and daydream all the way as if I’d won it and how my life will transform and blah blah… but even if it’s improbable our dreams keep us going. Every character in a novel has something they want that keeps the plot going forward. Even if they never get it, it’s the journey we read about — the push and pull and will they won’t they?! So maybe life isn’t so ordered but there’s nothing wrong with being a dreamer. 🥳🫶🏻❤️ ☁️

“If I can’t indulge in euphoric fantasies around potential realities then what’s the point of doing anything?” Great line!

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Thanks so much Elaine! Omg I love your comparison to a character in a novel keeping the plot going. It’s so true. I don’t think I could stop being a dreamer if I tried. We’ll keep dreaming 🫶🏽

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If there are no dreams or goals in life, then all there is is the 9-5 life. I guess some people are happy with that and their dreams are creating the best garden or decorating their home or daydreaming about their next holiday, all of which are okay too, but some of us take steps towards slightly “loftier” goals. 😅🫶🏻 and that’s okay too!

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Absolutely. I spent a while just dreaming of stability and now that I’ve had it for a few years, I’m like yeah let’s shoot for the mfckin moon!

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I do this too and I can really relate to what Elaine's said about writing competitions. I enter one and I'm immediately in a world where I've won and my life is completely different. It makes it all the more devastating when I don't win. I don't want to stop being a dreamer but I do want to find contentment in my current existence and be grateful for what I have so, when the dream doesn't come true, it's not so devastating.

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I hear you. I liken the devastation that follows a dream not materialising to a comedown. It’s like all of those possibilities we dreamt up are exiled to some kind of fantasy junkyard with all of our other unrealised dreams. It’s tough so finding some kind of balance between content and dreamer that doesn’t completely dilute the fantastical dreams would be amazing ✨

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