My mum is 67 and says she still doesn’t feel like a grown up 🤣

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Your mum is a legend 😂💙💙💙 ah I love that!!!

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As a fellow 29-year-old, I could relate to this SO much -- the struggles with moderating alcohol, the confusion of not being the “grown up” I’d envisioned at this point, the ability to finally be kind to myself and not let so many people zap my energy.

I really resonate with the idea that being a grown up means doing what feels right. There’s so much pressure these days and endless comparison traps telling us what milestones we “should” have achieved, or what we “should” be doing with our lives. It’s difficult but liberating to be able to cut through that.

Really enjoyed reading this! Thanks for writing it! :)

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Of course, thanks for reading Brina! I feel like we were told to follow a map that couldn’t account for all of the ‘worldly developments’ we’d face but we’re still scored against it 😅💀 and we’re given shit for trying different methods! Huge generalisation but I feel like that’s the vibe. Oh and doing what feels right for you and removing the noise of unrequested opinions is a game changer. Keep cutting through the shit Brina! 💙

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Could not have said it better myself! Same to you, Tacita! <3

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Too funny reading your description of the mythical "avenger/supermodel hybrid," Tacita! Love it (but will never, ever be it). Okay, maybe the avenger part (in my head).

Also love reading your reflections and practices in sobriety. I think choosing to not drink is one of the most grown-up things I know. But also, and in all the best ways, it brings me back to the aliveness and awake-ness and wonder of childhood. Back when I didn't grasp for anything external to have fun and feel joy. I love knowing we have that capacity.

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